APROSARSTUN is led by Q’eqchi’ Mayan community members and operates with a small staff – wearing name tags- consisting of a General Coordinator (Jose Domingo Caal – on the right), a Field Technician (Arnoldo Axchun – in the middle), an Office Administrator/Accountant (Melissa Alvarez – third from the left) and a Boat Driver (Santiago Rodriguez, third from the right in the photo).
APROSARSTUN is governed by a nine-member elected board and represents area communities.
Its Board is elected by a General Assembly and the Administration consists of committees for Technical Coordination, Community Management, Food Security and Institutional Connections.
APROSARSTUN has a boat and a basic centralized office, facilities to access communities and administer projects.
Volunteer “promoters” from each community are trained to assist with the projects. They help to monitor progress and track the results.