Clean Water – Water Filtration
water and disease
Communities rely on untreated water for consumption and household use. This, together with lack of wastewater infrastructure, is the source of gastrointestinal diseases, problems of malnutrition, increase in morbidity and mortality rates, and other diseases transmitted by contaminated water (dengue, fever, persistent diarrhea and vomiting). The impacts are especially seen among children.
Affordable Solution
When funds are available, APROSARSTUN installs household water filters, a low cost and appropriate intervention for the families. In addition, families no longer have to spend money on medication so their resources will be invested in other family needs.
There are many more households in the communities who are in need of improved water and sanitation.
Contact us if you can help provide clean water to families. Give the gift of health. Or contact
Photos: Water Filters
Eco Stoves Improve Women’s Health and Use Less Wood
Women in the communities spend long hours cooking over an open fire. This causes serious health issues for the women as well as children in the household, including respiratory illness and eye problems. Many times, little children trip and fall onto the low open fires and women also suffer from burns.
To address these issues, APROSARSTUN has been introducing improved cooking stoves in many communities.
There has been an immediate improvement and many women said that they never imagined how much having a stove improved their health and homes.
As part of the adaptation process, families are trained in care and maintenance of the new stove and in kitchen hygiene. APROSARSTUN provides ongoing monitoring and assistance from the voluntary trained community promoters.
These improved stoves also use far less wood, a benefit to the environment. Each recipient of a stove plants and cares for tress in a reforestation project.
Testimonial from a recipient: “For many years we have cooked on traditional open-pit fires, burning our hands, inhaling excess smoke, our kitchen full of carbon dioxide and (using a) high consumption of firewood. Now, by obtaining one of these stoves, our lives will change for the better. We’ll have better working conditions at home and completely protect ourselves.
In our village, we have not had the opportunity of projects that directly benefit the women, but … you have thought about the lives of rural women and changing the story of our communities.”
Photos: improved, CLEANER ECO Stoves
Health through Food Security
Malnutrition due to the lack of vitamins and minerals, affects the communities, particularly for children and infants. This is due to lack of variety in local diets as a result of insufficient income and the focus on growing only corn as a local crop.
Agriculture and economic projects help address these challenges by diversifying crop production so families have more secure food supply and access to a variety of nutritious foods. Fruit trees and crops of moringa, pineapple, banana, rambutin, peppers and yucca have been planted in many communities and are providing food and funds.
Income generating projects give families the means to buy food and other products that are essential for health and physical development.
APROSARSTUN has encouraged and supported the work to plant small household gardens that provide vegetables for improved family nutrition.
Photos: Food production for health
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