The organization was established for the following purposes:
Promote resilience and adaptability to climate change and natural disasters.
Develop environmentally sustainable projects (food security and basic infrastructure).
Implement productive projects in the community context with mechanisms for market access.
Promote gender equity in communities and in all decision making and educational processes.
Preserve our culture, traditions and Q’eqchi’ Maya language.
Promote community education together with national and international organizations.
Improve preventive and curative health systems that give access to health services for area communities.
Coordinate activities with other organizations and communities within the Sarstún River basin.
Promote communication, representation and effective leadership at regional, national and international levels.
José Domingo Caal, on the right, General Co-ordinator of APROSARSTUN, was part of APROSARSTUN’s delegation to the first meeting of the binational council of indigenous peoples of Guatemala and Belize held in Pooptún Petén.
Walter Contreras, a member of APROSARSTUN, (and holding the microphone in the photo) represented the local indigenous population at COP 27 in Sharm el-Sheukh, Egypt.