The Maya Association for Sarstun’s Rural Wellbeing (APROSARSTUN) is a Guatemalan nonprofit promoting sustainable development in the Sarstún River Protected Area, an 86,000-acre Ramsar wetland site.
APROSARSTUN (Ap-row-sar-stoon) is a grass roots Q’eqchi Mayan organization.
The organization is governed by a nine-member elected board. APROSARSTUN consults with, and represents area communities to promote the management, protection, and restoration of the area’s natural resources and improved livelihoods for the local villages.

In 2007, a group of secondary students began APROSARSTUN before even graduating from the local Mayan school Ak’Tenamit. They trained in community development and were inspired to create this organization to improve conditions in the Sarstun region, their home area.
“The intervention of APROSARSTUN in our community is a blessing. I have seen many incredible things that they (the APROSARSTUN organization) do for the development of the communities.” Testimonial/community member.

APROSARSTUN’s mission is to improve livelihoods in the local communities that make up the Sarstun watershed region while simultaneously preserving the environment.
APROSARSTUN works to prevent deforestation and reduce water pollution and over-fishing. The organization also works on projects that improve the health and quality of life of families living in the Sarstun area.

We are looking for funding from individuals and organizations to support our work. Canadians and Americans can support our work and receive tax receipts in those countries by contacting our partners in Canada and the United States.
Contact us by phone or email.

"APROSARSTUN, Always Present in the Communities"
A video showing work with partner, EcoLogic Development Foundation: the value of agroforestry plots for food security.
“Our purpose is to help the food security of the producers (and their families). There is a lot of malnutrition in the communities, especially with the children and across the organization.”
Jose mentions that to address malnutrition in the communities, especially childhood malnutrition, producers have diversified and are using the agro forestry system, planting a wide variety of food producing trees and plants – yucca, pineapple, plantain, cacao, banana etc.
A photo summary of work accomplished with funding from
partner, S.H.A.R.E. Agriculture Foundation, Canada.
APROSARSTUN has implemented many food security and community development projects – corn mills, fruit tree plantings, soil improvements, stove, water, solar and sanitation projects.